Saturday 9 April 2011


Well, i have come to a conclusion after much thinking, and you guys might be thinking that we have heard all about this theory already and all but it is a new idea for me :P i was just sitting ad thinking and this sudden inspirational thought came to me [like it often does LOL] and i said hey check this out [like i often do LOL] the cycle of seasons is slowly shifting, the warmer months are shifting towards the cold side and vice versa. You can blame all this on global warming i guess. Now it's almost mid-april but it's still cold here! and this has nothing to with the local climate because in here mid-april is supposed to be summer time! And it was quite summery in october which is a wintery month. So in the light of this information and other equally boring but thought provoking evidences i have gathered, the official Change of Season Cycle is taking place. Don't say that i didn't warn you! :D

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