Sunday 10 April 2011
An awesome AWESOME website with totally awesome quotes!
i know, too many awesomes in one sentence :P
"There's nothing like the warmth of a summer afternoon, walking to the sunlight, and being cradled by the moon. Catching fireflies at night, building castles in the sand, kissing Mom's face goodnight, and holding Daddy's hand. Running barefoot in the grass, a little hide and seek. Being so in love that you can hardly eat. Dancing in the dark, when there's no one else around. Being bundled beneath the covers, watching snow fall to the ground. So many things I thought would bring me happiness, some dreams that are realities today... such an irony the things that mean the most to me are the memories that I've made along the way. So if there's anything I've learned from this journey I am on, simple truths will keep you going, simple love will keep you strong. Cause there are questions without answers, flames that never die. Heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise."

i hate the fact that your fragrance still sneaks upon me, your scent still follows me suddenly, catching upon me out of nowhere. i hate that i still remember every word that you have ever said,that i still feel like rushing up to you whenever i am happy or sad. i hate the fact that i could forget everything - My name, my world, but i can never forget that one you gave me, which took my breath away. i hate the way my heart has memorized your laugh, your voice,the twinkle in your eyes, the way you smiled. But i most of all, i hate missing you. 

Saturday 9 April 2011


Well, i have come to a conclusion after much thinking, and you guys might be thinking that we have heard all about this theory already and all but it is a new idea for me :P i was just sitting ad thinking and this sudden inspirational thought came to me [like it often does LOL] and i said hey check this out [like i often do LOL] the cycle of seasons is slowly shifting, the warmer months are shifting towards the cold side and vice versa. You can blame all this on global warming i guess. Now it's almost mid-april but it's still cold here! and this has nothing to with the local climate because in here mid-april is supposed to be summer time! And it was quite summery in october which is a wintery month. So in the light of this information and other equally boring but thought provoking evidences i have gathered, the official Change of Season Cycle is taking place. Don't say that i didn't warn you! :D
Sometimes i swear your fragrance creeps upon me out of nowhere, it just lingers in the air, reminding me of you, of us, of happier times. I miss your scent.Your smell. Your musk. I miss everything about you.